
As a breast cancer survivor, Kathy has made it her mission to encourage and support as many breast cancer patients, their friends and family members as she can. She is regularly called upon to share her journey and laughter at different events. She enjoys meeting her readers at various book signings. Whether it is a community library, book club, or social organization, she brings her sense of humor and Goofy pen with her to put that personal message of inspiration in every book. Large groups . . . small groups . . . inside or outside, she comes prepared and with a smile. Her presentations are full of laughter as well as informative. Kathy also supports two local cancer support charities with her book sales and speaking fees.

If you would like to contact Kathy, please use the contact form below or email her directly at:
Kathy Lariviere, [email protected]
PO Box 93
Urbana, IA 52345

Continuing Education Presentations

Kathy has developed a presentation appropriate for continuing education credit for medical professionals (physicians, nurses, technicians, and other care providers) entitled “Finding Humor in the Journey Through Breast Cancer.” The objective of the presentations is to “identify coping mechanisms to help cancer patients manage physical and psychosocial stress while improving their sense of well-being as they transition from treatment to survivorship.” This presentation was designed to be 45 minutes in length including questions and answer time, but could be adapted to fill any time slot. Please contact Kathy for more information at [email protected]

Comments from evaluation forms:

“Kathy made a wonderful ending to our Annual Cancer Care Update”
“Thank you for sharing Kathy.  Much appreciated.”
“Loved Kathy Lariviere’s talk.  Great humor and a great way to end the conference!”
“What courage!”
“Every cancer care conference should start AND end with Kathy!”

Contact Kathy

Oops, the computer ate my homework! Occasionally, website contact forms don’t work. If you don’t receive a response from Kathy within 48 hours, email her directly at: [email protected]

Help Support Breast Cancer Patients

All proceeds from book sales are donated to two local non-profit funds to help breast cancer patients afford diagnosis and care. Virginia Gay Hospital Gifts of Hope provides free mammograms and diagnostic services and is supported by the Benton County Survivors Group; and the Hall-Perrine Hope Fund helps cancer patients pay for emergency needs.