Laughs After Cancer

The Weeping Willow

The Weeping Willow

 Fall is here.  School has started, and I have lost my little gardener.  I have had so much fun since we moved to Minnesota sharing my love of gardening with Tavi.  (My mom, a Master Gardener, shared her love of gardening with me, and now I get to pass it along to my...

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Gene and I recently purchased a small sprinkler for the grandkids to play with.  It has about a dozen worm-shaped objects with cute worm faces and holes for the water to sprinkle.  We thought it was adorable.  Unfortunately, when you say “worm sprinkler” to a two year...

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Sunday Football (Bagels vs. Stealers)

Sunday Football (Bagels vs. Stealers)

As summer turned to fall, Gene and I looked forward to watching NFL Football games.  We try to do all of our errands and projects so that Sunday afternoons and evening are free to watch the teams we follow.  The grandkids seem confused by why they can’t come over to...

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October 2023 – 11 Years

October 2023 – 11 Years

There is a chill in the air this morning and memories are pouring in.  Eleven years ago on a beautiful fall morning, I finished my walk and took a shower.  There, I discovered a lump in my breast.  After a series of tests, I was diagnosed with Stage 2b Triple Positive...

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Ten Years – A Retrospective

Ten Years – A Retrospective

Ten years ago, I visited an Oncologist for the first time.  My friend Becky and I listened as my new doctor outlined two years of surgery, chemo, radiation and reconstruction.  I remember looking over Dr. Nabi’s  shoulder and out the window as she spoke thinking,...

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Hidden Treasures

Hidden Treasures

Every time we visit our grandkids, I leave my laptop bag near the front door.  I don’t usually use my computer while visiting the grandkids because they don’t like my attention elsewhere.  I only use it if a work issue comes up. But the kids know that the bag is mine...

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Not That Grandma

Not That Grandma

Sometimes it takes a village (or at least ALL the grandparents) to raise a child.  Last month, Gene and I went to Minnesota to care for our two grandchildren while our third grandchild was born.  Ori, who is 2.5 years old, believed for a long time that we lived in the...

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Rocket Pockets

Rocket Pockets

While we were in charge of our two oldest grandkids, I decided to dress up their lunch and make rocket pockets (wraps) for them for lunch. I should have foreseen trouble as I was dealing with a 2.5 year old and 5 year old. Ori (2.5) took one look, yelled "NO!" and...

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Sloth Olympics

Sloth Olympics

The 2022 Winter Olympics have just concluded, and we found ourselves hooked to the television watching Curling Teams compete.  I don’t know why this sport is so fascinating, but each day I would check the TV schedule to see when curling would be televised.  Yesterday...

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Running Into Fire

Running Into Fire

Gene and I were mowing over the weekend, with headphones in place and music playing, when I noticed that Gene had stopped his mower and was looking over his shoulder.  Being the paranoid person that I am, I stopped and looked around as well. I had no idea what caught...

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The posts on this page were added at the request of several of my readers who wanted “the fun stories to continue.” Some are dedicated to a friend in her last weeks of life. These posts are a mix of travel adventures and random experiences and are in date order with the newest post on top.

Help Support Breast Cancer Patients

All proceeds from book sales are donated to two local non-profit funds to help breast cancer patients afford diagnosis and care. Virginia Gay Hospital Gifts of Hope provides free mammograms and diagnostic services and is supported by the Benton County Survivors Group; and the Hall-Perrine Hope Fund helps cancer patients pay for emergency needs.