It turns out, the road is a narrow 1 ½ lane paved country road that follows . . . Cow Creek (who would have guessed, right?) We saw very few vehicles along the way (turns out there was a reason), but the drive was simply beautiful. So pretty that Gene and I decided to drive it again today.
The road offers beautiful views of limestone cliffs, cattle (go figure), and a beautiful creek that ran through a valley. There were several places warning that water might cover the road, but it was a dry day and we were fine.
As it turns out, the road didn’t get us past the accident, but the nice police officer rerouted us through a beautiful neighborhood overlooking Lake Travis, and they had a community center with water fountains and bathrooms, so another nice drive for us while we waited for the road to reopen.
We could have sat on the side of the road for an hour and a half, or taken the long detour and grumbled, but instead, we found an adventure and it was well worth it.
Here are some photos that I took on our second visit to Cow Creek Road (which I keep referring to as Cow Tipper Road, LOL)