Each week, I receive a complicated mix of pre-meds and chemo meds. I watch as the IV bags arrive and the nurses sort them out. Some IVs last five minutes, some last 30 minutes. The nurses keep them straight, checking and double checking them, and I no longer worry about what they are hanging.
Last week, my nurse Jodie came in with my chemo meds and announced that she had my cocktail ready. I looked at her and said, “I normally like olives with my cocktail and straight up!” She laughed and said she did too. This week as my chemo meds arrived, she walked in and said she had something for me. She pulled out a jar of olives and we both laughed. I have the best nursing care on earth! We find fun wherever we can.
ABSOLUTELY!!! Find as much as you can WHEREVER you can. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!
Kathy, Tammy brought me the new bra purse last Saturday. I think it’s great and it got me to thinking that I have a full drawer full of bras that are now useless to me. I’m going to get them out and try and figure out something interesting to do with them. I’m thinking about sling shots.
I, too, just went through my bra drawer and pulled out all the old ones. If you are going to use them as sling shots, I strongly recommend using eggs as ammo. They make such a satisfying splat when they hit something!