We Are Expecting . . . Fish!

Tomorrow is the big delivery date. Our fish arrive! I studied, I Googled, I talked to friends and searched the internet and finally placed my big fish order at the farm store. I ordered 5 grass carp and 25 catfish. It is a bit of a bizarre process. You fill out the...

Bring Your Own Pond Water?

It is that time of year where people ask me, “What is that stuff on your pond?” How should I know? It is green and slimy, so I thought it was algae. Some people tell me it is duck weed, and yet others say it is something else entirely. If I had a clue what...

Mouse in the House (and other Dr. Seuss rhymes!)

We have a mouse in the house. I don’t like it. I don’t even like the thought of it. I was preparing dinner the other night and expecting Gene to be home at any moment when I noticed Dolly staring into the bathroom. I thought that was unusual since she has...

Off Road Driving

Years ago, I remember a conversation in the car with my 4 year old son as he asked his father, “Daddy? How come you don’t drive in the grass like Mommy does?” My husband burst into laughter as I alternately glared at him and then my son. He patiently explained that...