Shawn trims my hair

Shawn trims my new hair.

When I lost my hair due to chemo therapy, people would tell me that when it grows back, it comes in differently than your previous hair (BC – before cancer). What they didn’t say was that it could come back different on each side! I use to speculate on what my hair would look like. Curls would be nice. I had straight, course hair. A little thinner or less heavy would be nice. Maybe try out a new color?

As I have mentioned before, I have given my hair stylist, Shawn, free reign over my hairstyles for the next year. What could it hurt. This is a chance to try out some new styles and have some fun. I have learned from losing my hair that I put way too much time and worry into what my hair looked like.

Gene had a haircut scheduled for Saturday, and I rode along for the fun. I walked in and showed Shawn the left, curly side of my hair and he admired it appropriately and commented on how thick it was coming in. Then I turned to the right (the straight side) and said, “How do you like me now?” He laughed so hard. Then I turned to the top which is growing straight up. We all laughed. I can laugh because this is Shawn’s problem for the next year!