You know it is humid when . . .

You know it is humid in Iowa when even the frogs want to come inside. I opened the door last night to see a tiny frog clinging to the screen door hoping to get a blast of air conditioning, and Steven found a family of frogs living on top of the shop light. (I’m...

Power Tools (or not)

Last month, I was helping customize some closets in my daughter’s first house. My work crew was comprised of several paramedics and nurses that work at the same hospital that my daughter works at. I was supposed to be supervising, but I have never been the sort to...

Picking Up Fish!

It is the subtle statements in the instructions that always seem to create a problem. I remember assembling a stationary bike and getting to a simple instruction to insert bolt B into the crossbar and frame. Sounds simple enough, but in fact, a person would have to...

We Are Expecting . . . Fish!

Tomorrow is the big delivery date. Our fish arrive! I studied, I Googled, I talked to friends and searched the internet and finally placed my big fish order at the farm store. I ordered 5 grass carp and 25 catfish. It is a bit of a bizarre process. You fill out the...

Bring Your Own Pond Water?

It is that time of year where people ask me, “What is that stuff on your pond?” How should I know? It is green and slimy, so I thought it was algae. Some people tell me it is duck weed, and yet others say it is something else entirely. If I had a clue what...

Mouse in the House (and other Dr. Seuss rhymes!)

We have a mouse in the house. I don’t like it. I don’t even like the thought of it. I was preparing dinner the other night and expecting Gene to be home at any moment when I noticed Dolly staring into the bathroom. I thought that was unusual since she has...