Book Excerpts

Hair Watch Week 32 – Perfect!

I go with Gene each month to chat with my hair stylist as he cuts Gene's hair, and we laugh at the progress I have made since my last visit. This month, Shawn declared my hair "perfect" as it is. No stray runaway hairs, no bald spots . . . just perfect. You have to...

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The Decision

When I was first diagnosed with breast cancer, I had to make a lot of decisions about my treatment in a short amount of time. I was understandably frightened, nervous, uncertain, and worried as I worked my way through half a dozen doctor's appointments and listened to...

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Hair Watch – Week 31

Don't hold me to this, but I may put a comb on my Christmas list.  It seems only appropriate to use this photo for this week.  I'm the one in the jacket!  31 weeks since I stopped the chemo that causes your hair to fall out.  Still no bangs, but I'm getting some...

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Who Moved My Cheese? (Part 1)

About ten years ago, there was a popular book out entitled, "Who Moved My Cheese," that discussed how people reacted to change.  Who knew that ten years later, this phrase would come to mind so often.  One of the side effects to chemo is called chemo brain. Doctors...

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That Was Easy

Someone made a comment to me the other day that had me wondering if I have made a mistake with my blog. Their comment, "I can't believe how easily you got through your treatment for cancer." The comment threw me, and I had to think about my reply. I would never...

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Going Pink for October

Well, it is official.  I have gone Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness month!  Shawn dyed a section of my hair pink over the weekend, so I won't have to worry about wearing pink all month.  Dying my hair was quite the experience.  If you...

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I had my first visit with a plastic surgeon this week to discuss what my options were for reconstruction.  Many of my friends have asked why I didn't have reconstruction done at the time of my mastectomy.  The primary reason was that I was not a candidate for...

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Hair Watch – Week 25

I had the best day on Friday. I got the opportunity to work at a fundraiser for the Iowa Medical Society Foundation that I sit on the board for. It was a beautiful day and my friend, Tess, and I sat at the first hole of a golf course and handed out prizes to golfers....

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One Year

Last week marked one year since I started my journey with breast cancer.  Though I didn't know it at the time, that morning would mark the last of my quiet morning routines for some time.  Gene and I got up and enjoyed our usual morning walk with Dolly on a crisp...

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Hair Watch – Week 21

When I lost my hair due to chemo therapy, people would tell me that when it grows back, it comes in differently than your previous hair (BC - before cancer). What they didn't say was that it could come back different on each side! I use to speculate on what my hair...

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